She is Turning 30

3 min readJul 6, 2020


A few gems picked up along the way

It seemed so far away before. How am I already here when it seemed like I had so much time to plan it all. My 20’s... Where do I start? Happy. Sad. Joyful. Optimistic. Teary eyed. Down in the dumps. Filled with excitement. The decade overflowed with creating memories. Turning 21 and enjoying every second of South Beach. 22 and flying to Beijing to hike the great wall of China. I look back now and it doesn’t seem real. Landing a real 9–5 and entering the world of hospitality with the craziest clients. Meeting people from around the globe and having opportunities to really impact those around me. Stepping out of my comfort zone at 25 and joining a brand to create what has become something larger than I ever expected. Packing my bags and flying alone for the first time. 13 hours on a plane really allows you to think about life. Representing my company in the proudest way I could have ever imagined. 28 and heading to the city of love and experiencing a bit of Amsterdam on the way. A trip that was planned just a few weeks before flying. Soaking up every moment with my bestie. 29 and realizing that we can plan and plan and plan. Understanding that God is the greatest of planners and no matter how bad we want something, every little thing happens for a reason. My favorite quote, “whats meant to be will be.”

Is it better to live and not seek advice? Do we really want to know the secrets of squeezing every last drop of this juice we call life? I’m not sure, but I carry a few gems now.

Living in the moment. Doing what made sense at the time and not being concerned with the repercussions, for the most part. Did it make sense? Not all of it. Do I regret anything? Honestly…I don’t. I will never regret anything that once made me smile. You think you have it all figured out and then you don’t. Know that you are worthy. Don’t listen to the noise. Listen to yourself and look inside. Forget the world on Sunday morning, make your coffee and enjoy the moments. Go to yoga. Write that book. Plant the garden. Bake a cake and eat it too. Do all the things that bring you joy. Stop trying to plan it all out. It will not fall into place the way you imagine, it will fall into the right places at the right times. Remember that. The sooner you can implement that in life, the easier it will be. The heartbreak with friends, loved ones and family. The new connections with rare souls, and humans who add so much value to your life. The ones who come to teach you a lesson. And those that stay to serve gentle reminders throughout all the years. Hold on to them tight. Life is short. Trust me, 10 years just flew by and the next 10 will fly at an increased speed.

So take a deep breathe, relax your shoulders, and find comfort in the idea of letting go. Release the strings you hold on to so tightly. Each one attached to a different aspect of your life. Prioritize your happiness, your purpose, and your heart above all else. Those strings you release will have balloons attached on the other end. They will fly, and cover distances until they are ready to return. When they do, you will sit back and watch it lay gently on the ground. At that moment, you will come to realize that it always happens, at the right time, and the right place. We can plan and plan and plan, but what is meant to be will always be.




Caffeinated lover of beautiful experiences. Navigating my heart one sip at a time.